Intra-Trade Unit

Intra-Trade Unit

With regard to intra-Union trade, the conditions for trade are harmonised between the Member States and all live animals must travel with a health certificate validated by an official veterinarian specifying that the animals fulfil the basic animal health requirements as set out in the relevant Council Directives. Further random checks on the animals may also be carried out at the final destination. 

In addition to the general health requirements, in the event of a serious exotic disease outbreak within the Member States, specific requirements for trade in certain live animals may also be laid down in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Harmonised veterinary health certificates are present for the following species in which, prior to dispatch, an official veterinarian attests that the animals fulfil all the requirements for intra-Union trade. This accompanies the animal and the movement must be recorded in TR​ACES​

NOTE: Not all species are covered by a completely harmonised veterinary certificate or movement document. In these cases Member States' national rules are applied.

  • ​​Aquaculture
  • Bees
  • Bovine
  • Equine
  • Ovine and Caprine
  • Pets & non-commercial movement
  • Porcine
  • Poultry and Hatching Eggs 

​In general, the requirements for intra-community trade are harmonized between the Member States. To ensure harmonisation is maintained, meat, milk and other products of animal origin must be produced in an authorised establishment usually under the supervision of an official veterinarian. Further random checks on the products may also be carried out at the final destination. 

In addition to the general health requirements, specific requirements for animal products may also be required which take account of such issues as evolving disease situations in the Member States. In such instances, specific animal health certificates may be required.

Rules are present also for the movement of consignments of the following products of animal origin:

  • ​Aquaculture products
  • Fresh Meat 
  • Game Meat
  • Meat Products
  • Milk and Milk Products
  • Poultry meat
  • Other products: eggs, honey and royal jelly, snails, frogs' legs, blood and blood products, bone, animal casing, lard and rendered fat, gelatine.
  • Semen, Ova and Embryos 

Pre-notification of arrival (L.N. 315 of 2004)

The trader is to notify the Veterinary Services if consignment consists of animals, feeding stuffs or food of animal origin for human consumption.

The trader is to notify the Public Health Department if the consignment consists of food of animal origin or any food for human consumption.

The trader is to notify the Plant Health Department if the consignment consists of plants.

The notifications referred to the above shall be submitted to the relevant authority 48 hours before the submission of either the import declaration or the entry into Malta of any consignment of animals, food, feeding stuffs or plants, as the case may be.