Dog for adoption
This is information provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), regarding the Monkeypox multi-country outbreak (May, 2022)
- Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) is a highly infectious viral disease that can affect both domestic and wild rabbits. Although the disease affects only rabbits, transmission may occur by direct contact between infected animals, carcasses, urine, faeces, respiratory secretions, and hair. More information on VHD can be found by following link.
- Il-Viral Hemorrhagic Disease hija marda tal-fniek kontaġġuża, ikkawżat minn virus. Il- VHD ġeneralment tikawża mewt rapidu u f’daqqa, bi ftit twissija. Għal aktar kjarifika jew informazzjoni ara dan l artiklu, jekk issib fniek mejtin kemm domestici kif ukoll slavag, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja s-sezzjoni tas-Saħħa tal-Annimali fuq: 22925232 22925195 22925202
- Equine Herpes Virus Guidelines and Conditions EN | MT
VRD: Safeguarding Animal Health & Food Safety
The Veterinary Regulations Directorate (VRD) ensures compliance with animal health, welfare, and food safety regulations. We work with stakeholders to promote responsible practices and facilitate safe trade. Our focus: protecting animals, public health, and consumer trust in Maltese agriculture.
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