Approved Establishments

Approved Establishments

This section carries out Official Controls on establishments that handle and process food of animal origin. These controls, in line with the EU’s ‘ Farm to Fork’ policy, are intended to assure the consumer that each Food business Operator has taken the necessary measures and employed due diligence to produce safe food, and, in the interest of risk management, has produced food items that are traceable through all stages of processing and distribution.

The Official Controls carried out by this section are based on EU regulations and Directives and have a risk-based approach. The type of Official Control may take on different forms, varying from a simple inspection to a full audit. In each case a risk assessment of the establishment would be carried out using a score-point system, and taking into consideration the type of production of the establishment; its level of hygiene; past performance, and the efficacy of its self-check system. The frequency of the official Controls and/or any enforcement action would thus be adjusted in accordance with the result of this risk analysis.

Another function of this section is the granting of an ‘Approved’ status to eligible establishments intending to process, manufacture, or handle, products of animal origin, thus enabling them to place their product on the EU market. Applicants who need to obtain this status are guided by Officials from this section in fulfilling the requirements of the relevant regulations so that approval may be granted.

 ​Application Forms
​​​English Version ​Maltese Version
​Food Establishments requiring an Approval to Operate​ Stabbilimenti tal-Ikel li għandhom bżonn Approvazzjoni biex Joperaw

Further Information