The Animal By-Products (ABPs) Section within the Veterinary Regulation Directorate regulates and ascertains compliance of relevant establishments in the sector pursuant to Regulation (EC) 1069 of 2009 and its implementing Regulation (EC) 142 of 2011. Registered and/or approved establishments are inspected / audited on a risk-based approach.
SECTION I: Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products
SECTION II: Establishments or plants for the storage of derived products*
SECTION III: Incineration/ co-incineration/ combustion plants
SECTION V: Oleo-chemical plants*
SECTION VII: Composting plants*
SECTION IX: Establishments or plants handling animal by-products or derived products for purposes outside the feed chain*
SECTION X: Registered users of animal by-products and derived product for specific purposes*
SECTION XII: Establishments or plants manufacturing organic fertilizers or soil improvers*
* No establishments active in this field
Guidelines for composting and biogas in approved plants for industry
EN |
Guidelines for Approval and operation of incineration plants which receive ABP
EN |
Guidelines for Pet food manufacture ABP
EN |
Guidelines for Registration of ABP operators, establishments or plants
EN |
Guidelines for Requirements for processing (rendering) plants
EN |