Register of state-approved technical advisors

Register of state-approved technical advisors

The state registration of individual experts as technical advisors in the fields of Integrated Pest Management, Soil Management, and Breed Standards of the Maltese Black Chicken is one of the functions of the Plant Protection Board in its mission to ensure that advisors who are serving farmers and other operators are competent to do so. 

To this aim, the Plant Protection Directorate keeps and maintains Registers of Technical Experts in the respective fields. 

These registers are updated and published at 

The provision of up-to-date details about registered technical advisors serves as a transparent source of information for a number of users, including candidate advisors and their prospective customers. 

The service is provided through the Office of the Director of the PPD.  Where required, this Office will consult with the relevant structures responsible for the adjudication and authorisation of the registration of technical advisors - the Plant Protection Board in the case of technical advisors in the fields of integrated pest management and soil management; and the Access and Benefit Sharing Advisory Committee in the case of technical advisors in the breed standards for the Maltese Black Chicken. 

Changes in details may be notified in writing by email on or by post.

More information on this service is found in the Annex of the Quality Service Charter of the Plant Protection Directorate. 

You can view the list of registered advisors in the specialised fields by clicking on the following links: