Our Services

Our Services

At the Plant Protection Directorate, we offer a number of services that serve our mission to safeguard the health of plants and to preserve genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Our services are open to farmers, producers, importers, traders and distributors of plants, plant products and other materials, and agricultural commodities, commercial centres that propagate and sell plants and plant material (nurseries and garden centres), owners of collective warehouses and dispatch centres, manufacturers of Wood Packaging Material (WPM), other business owners engaged in activities related to plants, plant material, and genetic resources of non-human organisms, technical advisors, members of the scientific, research, and academic communities, voluntary organisations, other Ministries and Government entities, and the general public.

In line with our vision to work hand in hand with farmers, businesses, the research community, and the general public, the services that we offer are designed to meet the needs of specific categories of customers in their efforts to produce, trade, preserve and make use of plants and genetic resources.

The following is a list of our Chartered Services:

1. Provision of information and advice (General Queries , Policy Queries , Technical Queries
3. Registration  and authorisation  to use national genetic resources for research and/or development purposes.  
7.     Marketing of Timber​ ​  

More information on each of these services can be accessed by going to the relative page from the services main menu.