The overall objective of this project, which was completed in 2015, was
the sustainable conservation of plant genetic resources in agricultural and
natural ecosystems, and the reversal in the trend of their genetic erosion.
The project
specifically focused on a number of local landraces and varieties of cultivated
plants and indigenous wild species which are under a high threat and at risk of
disappearance. Being of traditional, agricultural and cultural importance, such
plants need to be preserved as they form a part of our national identity.
Moreover, the project contributed to enhance communication, education and
public awareness on the valuable genetic resources of the Maltese Islands and
their sustainable use.
This project also
complemented Malta’s international obligations in promoting the EU Biodiversity
Strategy and achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the year 2020.
The project had a
value of c. €2.6 million and was co-financed under the Rural Development Plan
for Malta 2007 - 2013. Some of the activities of this project included:
Upgrading of the diagnostic and micro-propagation laboratories;
Establishment of a botanic garden ‘Ġnien
il-Pjanti Maltin’;
Building of a visitors’ centre including a media centre and a conference
Setting up of a new seed laboratory;
Sanitation of farmer’s varieties of citrus;
Creation of a database to establish an inventory of Maltese plant
genetic resources.