

Animal Welfare Fund Grant Support Scheme

Animal Welfare Fund Grant Support ​Scheme - Funding guidelines​


The Animal Welfare Team need volonteers that are preferably stay at home persons to bottle feed kittens and puppies.  From time to time we end up with a large number of kittens and puppies that need to be bottle fed – some even every two hours.  The directorate will provide training, milk and animal medication to anybody willing to bottle feed these newborn animals.  Anybody willing to volonteer for this noble gesture is to send an e-mail on​ or call on 22924132 or 22924113 to give their name, address, telephone and mobile number and if kittens, puppies or both can be bottlefed.  The directorate will take back all the animals at eight weeks of age or when the animals are fully independent (can eat and go to the toilet unaided) unless the bottle feeder has already found a good home for them.

Animal Welfare Fund Grant Support Scheme 2022 Results