
Kont taf li meta l-antibijotiċi jintużaw ħażin ma jibqgħux jaħdmu biex joqtlu batterji li jikkawżaw infezzjonijiet fl-annimali?
Il-batterji li ma jinqatlux mill-antibijotiċi jissejħu batterji reżistenti. Dawn jistgħu jinfirxu bejn l-annimali, u anke bejn il-bnedmin, mill-ikel, ambjent, bnedmin u annimali morda. Il-ħlejjaq kollha jgħixu fl-istess ambjent, dan huwal-prinċipju ‘One Health'. 

Did you know that when antibiotics are misused they no longer work to kill bacteria that cause infections in animals?
Bacteria that are not killed by antibiotics are called resistant bacteria. These bacteria can spread between animals, and even spread to human from food, the environment, other humans and sick animals. All creatures live in the same environment, this is the 'One Health' principle.



Persons  approved  to  supply  veterinary  medicinal  products may offer such products for sale at a distance only if a common logo, which includes a hyperlink to the Veterinary Medicines Unit website, is included in the website offering sale at a distance. 

The purpose of this logo is to  assist the public in finding out whether a  website offering such products for sale at a distance is approved by the Veterinary Medicines Unit for such an activity. 

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) is a highly infectious viral disease that can affect both domestic and wild rabbits. Although the disease affects only rabbits, transmission may  occur by direct contact between infected animals, carcasses, urine, faeces, respiratory secretions, and hair. More information on VHD can be found by following link​.

Il-Viral Hemorrhagic Disease hija marda tal-fniek kontaġġuża, ikkawżat minn virus. Il- VHD ġeneralment tikawża mewt rapidu u f’daqqa, bi ftit twissija. Għal aktar kjarifika jew informazzjoni ara dan l artiklu​, jekk  issib fniek mejtin kemm domestici kif ukoll slavag, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja s-sezzjoni tas-Saħħa tal-Annimali fuq: 23397042