Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How much time does the National Veterinary Laboratory test results for Brucellosis, Leukosis and Salmonella take to be issued?

A1. Brucellosis is ready in 2 days and the result is collected from the Animal Health Section, within the Veterinary Regulation Directorate. .

A1a. Leukosis depends on urgency and availability of kits.

A1b. Salmonella isolation varies depending if it is negative or positive because in cases of a positive result the laboratory would have to forward it to the Public Health Department for further analysis, so it can take from three (3) days up to fifteen twenty (15/20) days. 

Q2. I would like to keep some rabbits and some chickens for the personal consumption; do I need to register with the Veterinary Regulation Directorate? 

A2. If you keep less than twenty (20) chickens or less then fifty (50) does, you do not need to be registered with the Veterinary Regulation Directorate.  

Q3. What should one do to start producing ġbejniet to be consumed by the owner and direct family?

A3. (i) All farm holdings producing milk have to be registered with the Department before they start keeping animals.

(ii) All male and female animals of the species producing milk on the farm holding shall originate from other registered holdings and transferred after written consent by the Director (Department officials). They shall be identified and registered on the farm register and with the Department in accordance to the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No. 21/2004 on the Identification and Registration of Ovine and Caprine Animals, CAP. 36 on the Prevention of Disease Ordinance, S.L. 36.32 on Milch Animals Regulations, CAP. 437 of the Veterinary Services Act and S.L. 437.78 on the Identification and Registration of Animals Rules.

(iii) The animals referred to above shall be tested regularly for any diseases which may be identified in all relevant Regulations, as well as for any other disease as may be determined by the Director from time to time. The owner has to be available for visits from VRD (Veterinary Regulation Directorate) officers for sampling and inspection.

(iv) Dairy or traditional dairy products may be produced on a farm holding or in related premises outside the rules set by Council Regulations (EC) Nos. 852/2004, 853/2004 and 854/2004 and the provisions of these rules if they are going to be consumed by the owner of the animals or his direct family. Such a production can only take place under these conditions on farm holdings where there are no more than four (4) sheep or goats registered on the farm holding.

Q4.      Who can own a dog?

A4.  Any person eighteen years old or over and able to take charge of a dog can own a dog. This age restriction does not apply to blind persons.

Q5.      By which age should dog be microchipped and licensed?

A5. Any dog at the age of four months or over should be microchipped and licensed. Dogs may be microchipped and licensed before the age of 4 months.

Q6.      How does an owner microchip and license a dog?

A6.  The owner should take his dog to a warranted veterinarian for the insertion of a microchip. The veterinarian will then take care of informing the Director Veterinary Regulation with the details of the owner and the details pertaining to the dog including the microchip number. The details will be inserted into the National Livestock Database and a licence will be issued by the Veterinary Regulation Directorate. The registered owner of the dog will then receive the licence by post.