Mission statement
To coordinate and monitor the implementation of EU policy and projects falling under the responsibility of the Ministry responsible for Agriculture, Fisheries & Animal Rights.
Main Areas of Responsibility
EU Funds
Inform and guide prospective applicants on EU funding opportunities.
Assists entities and monitors the implementation of EU funded projects and schemes from application stage till closure stage.
Performs desk-based checks as well as on-the-spot checks, in order to ensure that project implementation is in line with the grant agreement.
Processing of payments of EU funded projects based on checks guaranteeing sound financial management practices.
Oversee and coordinate the implementation of EU funded projects whilst ensuring that projects and initiatives are implemented in a timely and efficient manner.
EU Affairs
The European Union Affairs Section within the Directorate is responsible for coordinating Malta’s position with regards to legislative and non-legislative acts falling within the Ministry’s portfolio. Such positions are either provided as replies to requests received on a daily basis through the Permanent Representation and EU Coordination Department, or else as instructions for Working Parties, Commission expert Meetings, High-level meetings as well as Ministerial Councils and the European Council.
Core Functions
To achieve this aim, the Directorate performs the following functions:
Ensures the national interest is well represented in all EU Fora it co-ordinates, and especially during the discussion of new proposals at European Union level.
Undertakes timely and efficient consultation on these proposals with the authorities and entities within the Ministry’s remit, as well as with other Ministries.
Ensures that the Ministry’s actions are in agreement with the Ministry’s policies and that they do not have any negative impact on Malta.
Strives to keep the other departments within the Ministry and the Ministry’s Secretariat informed of developments in European policies. The Directorate carries out this function not only in those fields for which the Ministry is the Implementing Ministry, but also in other areas which may have an impact on policies which fall within the ministry’s portfolio.
Prepares explanatory memoranda setting Malta’s position in relation to specific proposals for consideration and approval by the Inter-Ministerial Committee, Cabinet and the Foreign & European Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.
Coordinates and prepares documents for working parties, committees, including the meetings of the Permanent Representatives (COREPER) and Council of Minister Meetings.
Ensures fullest participation in EU related programmes, projects, legislative processes and initiatives.
Oversees the timely drawing up of answers to the questionnaires sent by the EU institutions as part of their functions when preparing any document to be discussed by the Member States.
Ensures that the pertinent EU Regulations and Directives are correctly transposed, implemented and enforced.
Coordinates the logistical and policy preparations for bilateral meetings with Third Countries.
Co-ordination of EU-Funded Projects – Primary responsibility for the inter-agency co-ordination of all EU-Funded projects pertaining to the Ministry.
Establish a relationship and cooperate with the relevant government entities so as to ensure that any initiatives will be in line with and in support of government policy and funding.
Participate in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Expert groups where necessary both at local and EU level.
Disseminate information relating to policy to key stakeholders and seek feedback on relevant issues as necessary.